The high cost of conversational debt –

I invest a lot of time learning to have the right and sometimes difficult conversations with members of my consulting team. This is important to me because every day, I see the challenges my clients face when they are unable to have the conversations that need to happen in their organizations.

For example, managers and executives express resentment over certain behaviors from their employees instead of talking about it with them or teams express limiting beliefs without ever asking if what they believe is correct or not.

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Leadership Lessons In Reinventing Yourself And Becoming An Entrepreneur –

Two years ago, I reached a point where I was experiencing borderline burnout for several months. I was the director of the Pyxis consulting team and I was struggling to balance training sessions, clients, business development and other responsibilities. I desperately needed to do something different and get myself out of that environment.

One day, I finally hit my breaking point and decided to leave my team to pursue entrepreneurship. In conversations with management, they offered an interesting alternate proposal: What if I could stay with the company and reinvent myself by having the chance to explore my entrepreneurial side?

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Three Common Misunderstandings Of Self-Organized Teams – Forbes

Part of my consulting work with clients is helping them adopt Agile and lean software development practices, which among other things means fostering and putting in place self-organizing teams.

“Self-organization” can be a very loaded term, and when there is not a discussion within organizations around what this means, teams will typically create their own convenient meaning for it. In some organizations where the culture has a lot of directivity by management teams, I sometimes even see the term “self-organized teams” become weaponized in different ways, which I will tell you more about later.

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13 Leadership Skills You Didn’t Need A Decade Ago That Are Now Essential –

Leadership skills aren’t stagnant. Different generations moving in and out of the workforce dictate changes to the ways people lead.

This is one reason leaders need to be constantly updating their skills. If you’re wondering what skills have come into play lately for the modern leader, read on for insights from 13 professional coaches of Forbes Coaches Council.

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Where to find my content?

Here are some sites where you will find my content on the web. Agile Know How .com
IBM DeveloperWorks

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