Q&A: 14 Things Your Team-Building Activity Needs To Succeed – forbes.com

Team-building exercises — from trust falls and blindfolds to zombie races and construction tasks — are a long-standing method to help a group get to know each other better. There is, however, a great deal else going on other than the activity itself. Facilitators need to worry about creating feelings of trust, safety and connection among participants, while also making sure to communicate what the goals of the activities are.

So which elements are key to an event’s success? Fourteen members of Forbes Coaches Council offer their advice on what they find crucial to team-building success.

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5 Skills Co-Creative Leaders Need to Know – trainingindustry.com

The following is a guest blog I wrote for trainingindustry.com.

Many leaders struggle with working in collaboration with their teams. Whether it is designing something complex like an organizational change or something simple like helping their team brainstorm a solution, many leaders struggle to participate in the discussion while keeping their teams involved and engaged.

Co-creative leadership is a new leadership style that can help with this problem. To become co-creative leaders, there are five key skills leaders must master.

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How To Engage Your Team By Using The Right Language – forbes.com

Leaders and managers don’t always realize the impact of their language when talking with their teams. You can do many things with language, from empowering people to generating new possibilities. However, language can also create disengagement and dissent when wielded ineffectively.

Language has a lot of subtleties that can help leaders consciously create very different results. The words you use as a leader can help your organization thrive or hold it back.

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Q&A – 11 Habits The Best Networkers Have – Forbes.com

Networking is a skill, and like all skills, it is something that is learned and developed. While it may seem like there are many “natural” networkers out there, understand that they became this way over time.

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Here are some sites where you will find my content on the web.

Forbes.com Wellness.com Agile Know How .com Cutter.com
IBM DeveloperWorks

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