Q&A: 15 Ways You Can Encourage Clients To Buy Without Turning Them Off – forbes.com

Everyone has missed opportunities or sales leads that fell through. Perhaps you had a client who dithered, not really understanding what you can offer despite your best efforts to communicate your services. Or maybe you gave out your strongest pitch only to lose the lead after the heat of the meeting had passed.

How do you ensure a client selects your services, without pushing them away? Fifteen experts from Forbes Coaches Council offer their best techniques for gently encouraging clients to pick you.

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Q&A: 15 Ways You Can Foster Change While Managing Employee Well-Being – forbes.com

As the adage goes: change is inevitable. That inevitability, however, does not make change any simpler to implement, nor does it make all staff members happy. Some people thrive on the idea of learning new systems or developing new strategies in order to improve a process, while others prefer to use a tried-and-true approach. Neither attitude is wrong, but both must be addressed when implementing a new system.

Leaders recognize that keeping current, or ahead, of changes in industry or corporate culture is vital for the continued success of a business. Below, experts on the Forbes Coaches Council offer their guidance on how to create a work environment that can keep pace with change, while at the same time, manage employee well-being.

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Q&A: Leaders: What To Do When You Don’t Know The Answer – forbes.com

Leaders don’t have to know everything. Yes, having a quick, or solid answer has probably gotten most managers to where they are today. But what if an employee seeks guidance on a project or issue that’s out of your expertise? Are you supposed to wing it or segue from the topic to talk about something else?

Nearly uniformly, members of Forbes Coaches Council say it’s OK to tell a staff member that you don’t know the answer. Here’s how you can admit that you simply don’t know to build trust, respect and knowledge among your employees.

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Why Leaders Need Safe Spaces to Learn and Grow – forbes.com

Early in my career, I used to be very demanding of myself. It was hard for me to accept when I made mistakes in life. I remember one day, I was working on a woodworking project in my garage, and I got upset from making mistake after mistake. I got so mad, I eventually picked the project off my workbench and literally threw it against the wall. Afterward, I took a moment to calm down and wondered how unpleasant and expensive woodworking could get for me as a hobby if kept I reacting like this to my mistakes.

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