Be Fearless Of Failure And Start Learning By Doing –

One topic I often find myself discussing these days is learning by doing. Cultures that value continuous improvement encourage experimentation. They also encourage people to fail fast so they can learn fast. But this idea is scary to those working in cultures who believe that failure is not an option.

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How To Make Your Leadership More Powerful With Loop Learning –

As leaders, it’s very difficult to create change in our organizations. One of the biggest problems is that over time, we forget what drives our change and what progress we’re making. When we work with our teams, change sometimes feels to them as if it lacks structure and meaning.

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Q&A: Why Experiential Learning Should Be Part Of Your Employee Training –

There are a lot of different learning styles out there; not everyone is suited to listening to a lecture, then going off to perform a task or follow a procedure. Employee training is needed not only to establish expectations on tasks but to impart company goals and culture.

One way to get everyone up to speed is trough experiential learning, a process where students or employees get their hands dirty while practicing a new task, then reflecting on what happened. The process has a number of advantages, including employing multiple senses and emotional connections when training, in order to create stronger memories.

Below, member of Forbes Coaches Council talk about why they favor the use of experiential learning to train employees.

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Q&A: Easy Onboarding Techniques To Welcome And Inspire New, Young Hires –

Employers and hiring managers don’t typically give much thought to onboarding new employees aside from giving them a general tour and assigning them a first task. Few of them actually have a plan to make new hires feel welcome and appreciated by making sure they are included in the organization’s culture as soon as possible.

Onboarding should be more than an afterthought. It is actually considered the second most important HR practice after recruiting in terms of the impact it has on a business, according to research from consulting firm BCG. It is especially important if the new hire is a millennial or a fresh college graduate who is just joining the workforce, since proper onboarding will result in high employee loyalty and retention, ultimately leading to higher growth and profit.

Below, 15 members of Forbes Coaches Council share a series of easy onboarding practices and techniques that will help your new employees feel right at home in your organization.

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